5 crisp ways to improve your IBDP score September 2019
If only dreaming could get you to be in the top universities of US and UK, then we’d all just be procrastinating at the best to be sitting with crème de la crème. Well, there comes reality check. You need to earn it to be with the best and learn the best. So, buckle up while we give you a quick run through the ways to achieve big at International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).
An academic program holding global standards is certainly not a cakewalk. This pre-university course that students proceed with in their second last year of high school needs an understanding as early at 16 years to get into best universities, depending on where you’re located.
So, if you are one of those students from an IB accredited schools, you may have to sit for a few more minutes and continue till the end. The tips we are ready to roll lets you have easy-sailing days of studying and concentrating, after all, we all love good grades.
- Keep the distraction away: Now, you will think it is ‘easier said than done’. Don’t we all want to keep the boring things interesting at all times? We like the music in the background while we do the assignments or text friends while we revise. But, this really is not getting you anywhere as it is sucking up your attention as you cannot possibly multitask. Words create distraction so, keep it to instrumental music if you really want to concentrate.
- Position is the key: Sitting at one place may drain your focus, so, move around. Mix up your places of studying to maximise your ability to make the information stay with you.
- Put yourself to test more often: There are different ways to study but, one might work best for all of them. Practice test is one of the methods that is significantly effective. Test yourself by solving the past IB papers for a couple of days. For any kind of studying testing yourself prove wonders for effective learning.
- An all-nighter is not worth it: How much ever, you stick to the plan of staying up late when you have a submission to make the very next day, staying up at night is a bad idea. It makes you tired and restless with no idea where to go. Studies from 2008 prove that the long effects of missed sleep lasts for up to four days.
- Don’t rely on continuous hours of studying: Cramming is not a way to remember more of your learning. Most of us think that two hours of straight studying does not help in remembering more information. Th best way to remember is taking breaks in between and spacing the work out in blocks.
Bonus tip: Activate your brain with reorganising your information. Repetition of what you learnt is a common way of memorising and an inefficient one if, you already not know. Repetition makes the brain work at a basic level. Introduce elaborate rehearsal by reorganising the information in your own way to understand and store the best. Make notes in your own words and highlights and think about how it connects with your learning.
Improving your memory takes away the pressure from last hours while you achieve well with what you have learnt. So, do what you do with sleeping and eating for good health but, devote quality time once you are on with your study hours. It is not just a matter of few weeks, when you want the knowledge to seep into your brain. You need to be regular and consistent while immersing yourself.