
Tips For Effective Cambridge Exam Preparation

cambridge exam preparation

The approach of examinations puts pressure on both students and teachers. Students look at the approaching examination with apprehension, no matter how well prepared they are. Teachers feel the stress of having to ensure that all the pre-examination revisions are completed. Students must know the basics of Cambridge exam preparation so they can prepare with minimal help from teachers who have other demands on their time. These tips will help you to maximize your preparation and give you the confidence to face the exams in the right frame of mind.

Focus on what you know. There is a significant amount of overlap in the types of exam questions and answers. While the more you know is important, how well you use what you have learned is even more so. Learning how to apply what you know to the various questions you may be faced with is critical. One way of doing this is to work with others preparing for the same exam. Make 2 sets of blank playing cards and on one set contains facts about a topic. The second set contains possible questions on the topic. Draw one card from each set and try to make the facts fit the questions. This will help you to learn how to modify and apply the knowledge you have.

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Another group strategy is for half the group to create quizzes and the other half to answer them. Those creating the quizzes will have to know the correct answer and those who answer them will learn from their wrong answers.

Learn to question the questions. This means mentally paraphrasing the questions before answering them. Compare the paraphrase to the original and see if they both ask the same questions. If yes, you have understood the question correctly. If no, then you may not have understood the question, and this could result in a wrong answer.

Use old exam papers for practice. Not only will this give you a feel for the types of questions you will be asked, but it will also enable you to be prepared with your answers. The questions in the actual exam may not all be the same as the ones you practiced with, but some will be similar and because you have practiced, you will be able to answer them quickly and then devote more time to the difficult ones.

As you practice, be sure that you keep track of time. Running out of time and leaving some questions unanswered is a common problem and one that can be kept in control with practice.

Never be afraid to ask or search for clarifications on things you are unsure of. This is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of being mentally strong enough to know what you do not know and correct that problem.

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Perhaps the most important part of effective Cambridge examination preparation is having the right support and guidance. Studying on your own or in study groups is important, but you need expert tuition and coaching to help you focus and refine your preparation. This will also provide a method of objectively evaluating your level of preparation so you can pay special attention to your weaker areas. Self-evaluation is never easy - the guidance of experts will give you a true picture of where you are so you can take the necessary steps to correct problems. The key to effective tuition is to be sure it is from a reputed institution that provides Online Tuition for IGCSE and has qualified and experienced teachers who help students maximize their performance.

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