5 Things You Should Know Before You Choose Your A-Level Subjects May 2021
Be sure your choice is an informed one.
Do not make decisions in a hurry.
Collect all the information possible about the options open to you and analyze the data.
Do not let the decisions of other influence you. Choose what is right for you.
Ask for advice from your parents and teachers. Be sure you understand the reasoning they use in what they advise.
Think about your future. What do you want to do in life?
Your professional career is still many years in the future, but the decisions you make today will affect how your future unfolds.
For example, if your strengths are in analysis and critical thinking, perhaps subjects with essay-based evaluation such as history or English literature may be right for you.
If you prefer dealing with logic and facts, science or maths may be a good choice.
Choose subjects that you enjoy.
You may be told that it is easier to do well in subjects you do not enjoy. Ignore that advice.
If you enjoy a subject, studying and understanding will be easier, and that will get you the results you want.
Once again, do not choose subjects just because all your friends are choosing them. What is right for others may not be so for you.
If you are planning on going to university after your A levels, contact the colleges that you plan to try for.
Find the A-level subjects that are most often required or are pre-requisites
If any of these subjects should be focus areas
Never forget that the subjects you choose will affect your future.
Do not let that overwhelm you or make you panic. You are old enough to understand the significance of your decisions.
There are no “wrong” subjects. Every person is different, and what may be seen as an unsuitable subject for someone else may be completely right for you.
If you are enrolled at a professional company providing live interactive online classes for IGCSE, you have great resources for any advice and guidance you may need.