GRE Coaching Online

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is the widely accepted standard test required to gain admission to post-graduate and doctoral studies in the U.S.A. and many other English speaking countries. The examination is in 2 parts - the GRE General Test and the GRE Subject Test.

The General Test is to be taken by all. The test is designed to measure a student's critical thinking and is divided into 3 main sections - Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning skills. The Subject Test is designed to evaluate a student's knowledge and understanding of 7 specific subjects. Whether or not a candidate has to take the subject test will depend on the course for which admission is sought and the school/college being applied to.

The examination is computer based in most parts of the world, including India. The test comprises of 6 sections and the total time available to complete it is 3 hours 40 minutes. There is a 10-minute break after the 3rd section. Often research questions meant to evaluate their use in future tests are included. These are for internal use and the answers given are not scored. However, the student will not know which are scoring questions and which are not.

Analytical Writing: This is in 2 parts. In part 1 a paragraph on a general subject is provided and students must present their views on it using logical reasoning and if possible, examples to support their position. In part 2 another paragraph presenting a point of view on a general subject is presented and the students will have to critique the argument and explain why they support or are against the view presented.

Verbal Reasoning: This section comprises of questions designed to test students' ability to form conclusions based on written material, to recognize and understand relationships between words and concepts and to understand the relationship between different parts of a sentence. Reading comprehension questions, sentence completion, antonyms and analogies are among the topics covered.

Quantitative Reasoning: This section is designed to test students' ability to use quantitative reasoning. This is done using American high school level mathematics problems in arithmetic, geometry, algebra and data analysis.

The GRE is in some ways similar to other similar examinations. That does not mean that the preparations for them are the same. Many GRE online coaching centers use shortcuts in how they prepare students for the examination and this is a common reason for not doing well. At Catalyze Center we know that the GRE is a very specialized test and our GRE online coaching provides students with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to perform at the highest levels in the examination.

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